Environmental Normalization in Palestine with Inès Abdel Razek

Podcast - Environmental Normalization in Palestine with Inès Abdel Razek

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Inès Abdel Razek 0:00 These projects are not new. The people-to-people projects have been actively promoted and millions have been poured into them after the Oslo Agreements, but it has shown that it has not worked because we’re here today and Israel has only […]

Resisting Digital Repression in Palestine and Beyond

Resisting Digital Repression in Palestine and Beyond

From invasive surveillance systems to social media censorship, Israeli violations of Palestinians’ digital rights have increased, especially since the 2021 Unity Intifada and the rise in global solidarity with Palestinians. Which local, regional, and global factors are impacting this troubling development? What role does Israel play in activating and circulating these repressive mechanisms? Are there […]

Palestinian Bedouins in the E-1 Corridor: A Critique of Donor Aid

Palestinian Bedouins in the E-1 Corridor: A Critique of Donor Aid

Donor aid has failed to protect Palestinian Bedouin communities in the E-1 corridor from the Israeli regime’s oppressive policies. Al-Shabaka policy analyst 24571 and guest author 24524 show how aid programs in E-1 actually entrench Israeli apartheid. They offer recommendations to donor states, Palestinian civil society organizations, and national stakeholders for how to secure the rights of these communities.

A Palestinian Response to Global and Regional Trends

A Palestinian Response to Global and Regional Trends

From popular uprisings and repressive security regimes, to normalization agreements between Israel and Arab states, global and regional developments over the past decade have dramatically impacted the Middle East and North Africa. What are the implications of these trends on the Palestinian struggle for liberation? In this commentary, Al-Shabaka’s board president, Tareq Baconi, investigates this question and more.

Resisting Palestinian Erasure in Jerusalem with Jalal Abukhater

Podcast - Resisting Palestinian Erasure in Jerusalem with Jalal Abukhater

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Jalal Abukhater 0:00 They want us to feel like we are diminishing in existence in Jerusalem, our flag is almost banned at every occasion in Jerusalem, saying you are Palestinian is akin to becoming a criminal. Sometimes if you express Palestinian identity, they suppress […]

Criminalizing Palestine Solidarity Activism in the UK

Criminalizing Palestine Solidarity Activism in the UK

A new wave of repressive UK government policies aims to suppress protest and political expression, posing a direct threat to Palestine solidarity work. Al-Shabaka’s senior policy analyst, 24588, locates this latest crackdown within Britain’s enduring support for Zionism, and shows how only in broad, intersectional alliances can social justice activists effectively repel state-led repression.

Three Threads of the Movement for Palestinian Liberation

Podcast - Three Threads of the Movement for Palestinian Liberation

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Yara Hawari 0:00 I think we should take inspiration from the Palestinian street. We can also do that within Palestinian civil society and Palestinian organizational spaces. It’s about fostering an environment of like-minded organizations that work together that have clear politics and obvious red […]

Cryptocurrencies and Palestinian Resistance: An Al-Shabaka Debate

Cryptocurrencies and Palestinian Resistance: An Al-Shabaka Debate

The recent cryptocurrency crash raises doubts about its viability as an alternative to standard currencies. But are there aspects of the global phenomenon that are still useful for Palestinian economic and political resistance? Al-Shabaka policy analysts Tariq Dana and Ibrahim Shikaki debate the potential of digital and cryptocurrencies and outline technological opportunities for the Palestinian economy.

Assessing Palestine’s Future: Economy, Security, and Beyond

Assessing Palestine’s Future: Economy, Security, and Beyond

What does Palestine’s future look like, and how would different political scenarios affect various sectors of Palestinian society?