Gaza Reconstruction: Toward a Self-Determined Mechanism

مقال - إعادة إعمار غزة: نحو آلية تقرير مصيري

The Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism (GRM) entrenches Israel’s siege of Gaza. Al-Shabaka policy analyst, 24569, argues that Palestinians need a new mechanism that revitalizes and unifies Palestinians politically, and that pressures Israel to lift its siege. He offers recommendations to Palestinian leadership and civil society, and to the international donor community, for how to bring about this new mechanism.

The Unity Intifada: Any Role for the PLO?

Article - The Unity Intifada: Any Role for the PLO?

The visible absence of the Palestinian Liberation Organization from the ongoing Unity Intifada has led many to question the organization’s legitimacy and relevance. Do Palestinians still need the PLO? If so, why? These questions come as Al-Shabaka publishes a critical study, “Reviving a Palestinian Power: The Diaspora and the Diplomatic Corps,” conducted by four of […]

Palestinian Securitization vs Liberation with Alaa Tartir

Podcast - Palestinian Securitization vs Liberation with Alaa Tartir

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Alaa Tartir 00:00 The final outcome, after all these millions of dollars and years spent on establishing that security forces, it resulted in what I call professionalization of authoritarianism, where security forces became more professional, but in repressing and in following authoritarian trends, and […]

Israel’s Violations of Palestinian Workers’ Rights: COVID-19 and Systemic Abuse 

Israel’s Violations of Palestinian Workers’ Rights: COVID-19 and Systemic Abuse 

The Israeli regime has been systematically violating the rights of Palestinian workers in Israel and its illegal settlements since 1967. How have these violations been exacerbated since the COVID-19 pandemic? Al-Shabaka’s guest contributor, 24430, examines Israel’s ongoing abuses of Palestinian workers’ labor and human rights. He offers recommendations for securing these rights and for holding Israel accountable.

Sheikh Jarrah and Beyond with Muna Dajani

Podcast - Sheikh Jarrah and Beyond with Muna Dajani

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Muna Dajani 00:00 Sheikh Jarrah symbolizes how refugees managed to exercise some form of return – by establishing roots again, in a place in Palestine, and calling it home – only to be under the threat of losing that refuge and that place, only […]

Defying Fragmentation and the Significance of Unity: A New Palestinian Uprising

مقال - تحدي التجزئة وأهمية الوحدة: انتفاضة فلسطينية جديدة

The latest Palestinian uprising against Israeli settler-colonial rule has been dubbed the “Unity Intifada.” It has brought Palestinians across colonized Palestine in unprecedented national unity around a shared struggle for liberation from ethnic cleansing, fragmentation, and settler colonization. Al-Shabaka’s Senior Analyst, 24588, examines the historical and contemporary implications of the Unity Intifada, and offers critical insight into how we must understand this unity.  

1948 Territories and the Unity Intifada

المقال - الداخل الفلسطيني وانتفاضة الوحدة

The Unity Intifada had included mass organizing and mobilization by Palestinian citizens of Israel, and many have faced severe violence and repression by the Israeli regime as a result. What does this mobilization reveal about Palestinians in the heartland and the illusion of “citizenship” in Israel? How are social and economic dynamics reflected in political […]

Gaza’s Summer: Destruction, Pandemic, and Climate Change

مقال - صيف غزة: دمار وجائحة وتغير مناخي

The recent Israeli assault on Gaza has increased fears about the summer to come. As rising global temperatures continue to threaten Gaza, Palestinians are bracing for a hot summer with widespread destruction and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Reviving a Palestinian Power: The Diaspora and the Diplomatic Corps

مقال - إحياء القوة الفلسطينية: الشتات والسلك الدبلوماسي

The PLO diplomatic corps is a main point of contact for Palestinian refugees and exiles. How can this help revive national aspirations? In the first study of its kind, Zaha Hassan, Nadia Hijab, Inès Abdel Razek, and Mona Younis review the corps’ legal foundations, days of glory, shifting roles, and interaction with the diaspora and solidarity groups. They present clear, doable recommendations to the PLO and to the diaspora.