The Escalation of Israeli Collective Punishment of Palestinians

Israel has wielded collective punishment against the families of alleged Palestinian attackers since the military occupation began in 1967, but measures such as forcible transfer, home demolitions, and economic warfare have increased over the past several years. Al-Shabaka guest contributor 24498 tracks this surge and suggests possibilities for countering Israel’s expanding use of such tactics, which violate international law.

Palestine and the Israel-Saudi Arabia Alliance

Article - Palestine and the Israel-Saudi Arabia Alliance

Israel’s sale of Pegasus software to Saudi Arabia, which it used to surveille Jamal Khashoggi before his October 2018 murder, brought relations between the two states into the public eye. Al-Shabaka spoke with analyst 24428 about what the Israeli-Saudi alliance means for Saudi Arabia, Palestine, and the Palestinian struggle for rights, and what Palestinians can do to counter it.

Palestinian Leadership in Israel: Challenges & Opportunities

Article - Palestinian Leadership in Israel: Challenges & Opportunities

What are the main challenges that Palestinian citizens of Israel face in terms of leadership? What opportunities exist in the current political context to gain visibility and overcome geo-political fragmentation with those in the West Bank and Gaza? In our first policy lab of 2019, Al-Shabaka analysts 24346 and 24369 join 24588 to weigh in on these questions and more.

Abbas and the Farce of Palestinian Democracy

What’s behind Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ recent dissolution of the Palestinian Legislative Council? Al-Shabaka Palestine Policy Fellow 24588 analyzes the move, uncovering likely motives and consequences in light of Abbas’ broader grip on power, and proposes ways to increase Palestinian democratic space.

What are the Elements of a Strategic Palestinian Narrative and Discourse?

Article - What are the Elements of a Strategic Palestinian Narrative and Discourse?

This commentary is part of Al-Shabaka’s Narrative and Discourse Policy Circle, convened in 2018, in which a team of Al-Shabaka policy analysts worked together across borders to tackle the question of whether Palestinians should have a sole, legitimate narrative and, if so, what it should be. For more from this policy circle, see Hazem Jamjoum’s “Reclaiming the […]

Neopatrimonialism, Corruption, and the Palestinian Authority: Pathways to Real Reform

Article - Neopatrimonialism, Corruption, and the Palestinian Authority: Pathways to Real Reform

Overview Palestinians recently ranked corruption as the second largest problem they face after the economic crisis – higher than the Israeli occupation, which ranked third. Indeed, Palestinians generally view Palestinian Authority (PA) officials as a self-serving, elitist group disconnected from the Palestinian national struggle and the daily sufferings of the people. Such perceptions are fostered […]

Palestine Solidarity: Tough Questions & Ways Forward

Article - Palestine Solidarity: Tough Questions & Ways Forward

Is the global Palestine solidarity movement exerting its energy in the right places? How can the movement better coordinate with developments in Palestine? Is Palestinian self-determination sufficiently reflected within the movement? On the 2018 International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Al-Shabaka’s 24598 is joined by analysts Loubna Qutami and Randa Wahbe to explore these challenging questions and more.

Palestinian Narrative: How Do We Build A Strategy?

Article - Palestinian Narrative: How Do We Build A Strategy?

Why is a collective narrative important to the Palestinian liberation struggle? What challenges do the Palestinian people face in promoting their narrative, and who has legitimacy to promulgate it?

Al-Shabaka analysts Tamara Ben-Halim and Hazem Jamjoum weigh in on these questions and more in this month’s Palestine Policy Lab, facilitated by 24369.

Israel’s Stranglehold on Area C: Development as Resistance

Article - Israel’s Stranglehold on Area C: Development as Resistance

Five decades of occupation have severely limited Palestinian development, and nowhere is this more apparent than in Israel-controlled Area C. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst 24352 examines development as a vehicle for Palestinian steadfastness and resistance in Area C and beyond, and recommends ways Palestinians can advocate for development projects that would serve them for generations to come.