The just-published 2016 Global Go To Think Tank Index again ranked Al-Shabaka in the “Best Think Tank Network” category. This is the fourth year running that Al-Shabaka has been ranked by this prestigious report.
Executive Director Nadia Hijab said, “As a uniquely placed transnational Palestinian think tank network we are pleased to take part in this global endeavor and delighted with this year’s result. This is a crucial period in the quest for Palestinian rights, and Al-Shabaka brings together nearly 170 Palestinian policy analysts from around the world committed to promoting Palestinian self-determination.”
At 35th place out of a total of 85 think tanks ranked in the Best Think Tank Network category in 2016, Al-Shabaka is ahead of respected think tanks like the International Relations and Security Network (Switzerland), the Royal Institute for International Affairs (UK), and IPEA (Brazil). And it remains eight spots after the highly regarded US Council on Foreign Relations and only two spots after the esteemed German Institute for International and Security Affairs.
In all, 6,846 think tanks are catalogued in the Global Think Tank Database. Only two other think tanks in the Best Network category represented issues of concern to the Arab world. Al-Shabaka’s Program Director Alaa Tartir said that the ranking in a global index affirmed Al-Shabaka’s goal of providing a strong and effective Palestinian policy voice to challenge the current discourse.
Al-Shabaka also contributes to the compilation of the Index, which is published by the University of Pennsylvania’s Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program, by nominating new think tanks and by participating in the overall ranking of other think tanks around the world.
Al-Shabaka thanks all the generous individuals and organizations that have believed in and supported its work.
Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network was launched in 2010. The only transnational Palestinian think tank, it is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the United States.
For further information about Al-Shabaka or for interviews with its staff and/or the members of its network, please contact:
Executive Director Nadia Hijab [email protected]
Program Director Alaa Tartir [email protected]
Palestine Policy Fellow Nur Arafeh [email protected]
US Policy Fellow Tareq Baconi [email protected]
Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network is an independent, non-partisan, and non-profit organization whose mission is to convene a multidisciplinary, global network of Palestinian analysts to produce critical policy analysis and collectively imagine a new policymaking paradigm for Palestine and Palestinians worldwide.