The Palestinian Elections: Real Change or Reality Check?

Article - The Palestinian Elections: Real Change or Reality Check?

Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are bracing for the first general elections to take place in 15 years, while the Palestinian Authority seeks to renew its legitimacy amid shifting regional and global realities. Who are the leaders and political bodies Palestinians will be voting for? How are these elections affected by regional and […]

Palestinian Civil Society: Between International Pressure and Authoritarian Rule

المقال - المجتمع المدني في فلسطين: مناورة بين الضغوط الدولية والسلطة الاستبدادية

Palestinian civil society faces a multitude of pressures from various actors, including international donors, the Palestinian Authority, as well as the Israeli occupation. What is the historical context of civil society in terms of their relationship with international donors and the Palestinian Authority? How have they responded to the increasing conditions imposed on international aid, […]

Tourism and Israel’s Settler Colonial Project: Seeking Ethical Alternatives

Article - Tourism and Israel's Settler Colonial Project: Seeking Ethical Alternatives

The role of tourism in advancing Israel’s settler colonial project dates back to the arrival of Zionists in Palestine. Today, it is most clearly articulated through religious tours that legitimize the Israeli regime’s continued theft of Palestinian land and oppression of the Palestinian people. How does religious tourism in Palestine serve the Israeli regime’s colonial […]

The Future of US Policy Toward Palestine

Article - The Future of US Policy Toward Palestine

Over the past four years, the Trump administration has enacted major long-term changes to US policy vis-à-vis Palestine. What possibilities lie ahead for the next administration to either expand or reverse this trajectory, and how can Palestinians leverage their power to influence future decision-making?

With US elections looming, Al-Shabaka analysts Hatem Bazian and Nadia Hijab join host Nur Arafeh to weigh in on these questions and more in this policy lab.

The Palestinians and the Necessity of Restoring the PLO

The Israeli regime’s continued annexation of Palestinian land, alongside expanding normalization with Arab governments, makes it imperative for the Palestinians to revive the PLO and reclaim its role as the sole legitimate representative of all Palestinians. Doing so is essential to restoring the Palestinian national project and collective vision, particularly given the failure of the […]

Arab Normalization with Israel: Current Status and Potential Consequences

Article - Arab Normalization with Israel: Current Status and Potential Consequences

Have Arab states abandoned the Palestinian people? In this policy lab, Al-Shabaka analysts Tareq Baconi and Ibrahim Fraihat join host Nur Arafeh to weigh in on the historical understanding of normalization, implications of the UAE-Israel agreement and other normalization developments across the region, and ways forward for Palestinians in light of these changing dynamics.

Collective Punishment: Israel’s Strategy to Subdue Palestinian Resistance

From home demolitions to the Gaza blockade to the withholding of Palestinian bodies, Israel wields collective punishment tactics to subjugate and suppress the Palestinian population. In this policy lab, Al-Shabaka analysts 24498 and Issam Younis join host Nur Arafeh to discuss the toll of this strategy on the Palestinian people and how it fits into Israel’s broader system of apartheid.

Arab Normalization with Israel: Its Stages and Consequences

مقال - التطبيع العربي مع إسرائيل: الوضع الراهن والتداعيات المحتملة

Normalization relations between Israel and the Arab countries have become clearer and more acceptable than ever before. How has normalization changed over the decades, and what does it look like today? In the upcoming Policy Lab, Al-Shabaka analysts Dana Al-Kurd and Oraib Al-Rantawi will join host Nour Arafa to discuss the stages of development of […]

Israeli Annexation: Precedents, Ramifications, and Resistance

Netanyahu has pledged to begin annexing parts of the West Bank as soon as next month. What are the implications of such a move, and what can be learned from Israel’s previous annexations of Jerusalem and the Golan Heights? In this policy lab, Yara Hawari and Rania Muhareb join host Nur Arafeh to weigh in […]