Amnesty Report on Israeli Apartheid with Saleh Hijazi

Podcast - Amnesty Report on Israeli Apartheid with Saleh Hijazi

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Saleh Hijazi 0:00 Amnesty does recognize, and that is in the report, the validity of settler colonial analysis and the complementarity between the settler colonial analysis and apartheid. It just limits itself to then its mandate of work under international human rights law. Yara […]

Reimagining Liberation through the Popular Committees

Reimagining Liberation through the Popular Committees

Palestinians are experiencing unprecedented global solidarity since the 2021 Unity Intifada, yet their struggle for liberation remains trapped by the post-Oslo framework. Al-Shabaka’s policy analyst, 24460, explores the rich history of the popular committees of the 1970s and 1980s to offer recommendations for how Palestinians can reorient their communities and institutions to facilitate the emergence of grassroots, liberationist mobilization.

Challenging Israel’s Climate Apartheid in Palestine

مقال - تحدي الفصل العنصري المناخي الإسرائيلي في فلسطين

The PA and its international donors continue to promote state-centric and technical approaches to climate change that block legitimate climate and environmental justice in Palestine. Al-Shabaka’s policy analyst, Muna Dajani, explains how climate change across colonized Palestine is a political reality defined by Israeli settler colonialism and theft of natural resources. She offers recommendations for bringing meaningful climate justice to Palestine.

Ongoing Resistance in the Naqab with Riya Al-Sanah

Podcast - Ongoing Resistance in the Naqab with Riya Al-Sanah

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Riya Al-Sanah 0:00 Palestinian Bedouins will determine the lifestyle that they have. They don’t want to live in cities and towns. We are agricultural communities that have an intimate relationship to the land, and they want to keep that and they will fight to […]

Shifting the Narrative on Palestine in 2022 and Beyond

Article - Defying Fragmentation and the Significance of Unity: A New Palestinian Uprising

From the COVID-19 pandemic to the Black Lives Matter movement, events that have unfolded on the global stage have impacted our realities over the past two years. Today, the Palestinian struggle exists in a world of greater connectivity, one where movements for justice are transcending state structures and institutions, recognizing the pervasiveness and interconnectedness of […]

ICT in Palestine: Challenging Power Dynamics and Limitations

ICT in Palestine: Challenging Power Dynamics and Limitations

For the past two decades, the Palestinian Authority has been collaborating with expatriate Palestinian capitalists, who operate in tandem with the Israeli state, to ramp up ICT development in Palestine. Yet the sector continues to suffer. Al-Shabaka’s guest contributor, 24399, examines these power dynamics and offers recommendations for what the PA should do to enhance Palestinians’ economic lives.

A Vision for Liberation: Palestinian-led Development in Health and Education

A Vision for Liberation: Palestinian-led Development in Health and Education

The Palestinian health and education sectors have been neglected by Palestinian authorities and the donor community. How can Palestinians collectively develop these sectors with a vision for liberation? Al-Shabaka’s US policy fellow, Yara Asi, examines this question and offers recommendations based on interviews she conducted with Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, behind the Green Line, and in the diaspora.

Lawfare and Palestine: Strategies for Resisting Criminalization

Article - Lawfare and Palestine: Strategies for Resisting Criminalization

Israel’s recent criminalization of six Palestinian human rights organizations has sparked global outcry. But this tactic fits into a global trend of lawfare led by right-wing and conservative governments, including in the US and Europe, against activists and grassroots organizers. it must be actively resisted politically and legally. On the anniversary of the First Intifada, […]

Community Accountability in Palestine: An Alternative to Policing

Community Accountability in Palestine: An Alternative to Policing

Israeli and Palestinian policing and incarceration have devastated Palestinian society. How can Palestinian civil society adopt community accountability and transformative justice processes that move away from state institutions and punitive justice? Al-Shabaka’s senior analyst, 24588, explores this question and offers recommendations to Palestinian civil society and the international donor community for bringing about and supporting these crucial changes.