Focus On: Palestine’s Natural Resources

Palestine has an abundance of natural resources, but in the decades since the establishment of the state of Israel they have been compromised and exploited. In this collection of analysis, Al-Shabaka experts provide insight into issues related to Palestinian natural resources, from their theft by Israel to the effects of climate change and its intersection with the Israeli occupation.

UNRWA in a Time of Crisis: Separating the Red Herrings from Legitimate Shortcomings

Article - UNRWA in a Time of Crisis: Separating the Red Herrings from Legitimate Shortcomings

UNRWA has recently faced funding cuts and an ethics report detailing alleged abuses by top management. While these events are important to understand UNRWA’s current dilemmas, they do not provide a proper understanding of the Agency’s more fundamental issues. 24376 sheds light on UNRWA’s actual challenges and why its mandate should include durable solutions for Palestine refugees.

Palestinian Opposition to Social Security: Revolution or Devolution?

مقال - المعارضة الفلسطينية للضمان الاجتماعي: ثورة أم انتقال؟

Through vociferous protest, in June 2019 the Palestinian private sector, laborers, and civil society succeeded in halting the Palestinian Authority’s latest attempt to institute a social security system in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Why did Palestinians, including Palestinian workers, fight against a right that other workers around the world have historically fought for? Guest contributor 24448 explains. 

Should Palestinian Citizens of Israel Boycott the Elections?: An Al-Shabaka Debate

Article - Should Palestinian Citizens of Israel Boycott the Elections?: An Al-Shabaka Debate

Many are debating whether the re-emergence of a united Joint Arab List will result in increased Palestinian voter turnout in this month’s Knesset elections, but for those who advocate for an election boycott, the status of the Joint List is moot. In this roundtable debate, Al-Shabaka’s Nijmeh Ali and 24588 argue against and for boycotting Israeli elections, respectively.

Focus On: International Aid to Palestine

The Trump Administration’s aid cuts to Palestinians, while disastrous, can spur a reassessment of the Oslo Accords aid model, which for decades has failed to bring Palestinians closer to freedom, self-determination, or statehood. In this collection of pieces, Al-Shabaka analysts examine aid to Palestine and its harmful ramifications, and suggest ways to reform and reinvent Palestinian aid.

Dangerous Bill in Congress to Crush the PLO and PA

A US bill being considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee puts at stake the ability of the Palestinian leadership to engage diplomatic and legal channels to support Palestinian national aspirations and to seek accountability through international mechanisms, as well as the future of the US-Palestinian bilateral relationship. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Zaha Hassan reports.  

Using Indigeneity in the Struggle for Palestinian Liberation

Article - Using Indigeneity in the Struggle for Palestinian Liberation

Indigeneity has re-emerged within the discourse on Palestine and is becoming a facet of political mobilization. But what does this mean in practice and how can indigeneity be harnessed to further Palestinian rights? Al-Shabaka’s 24347 and 24588 examine indigeneity in the context of international law and suggest ways to employ it in the Palestinian quest for liberation. 

The Political Marginalization of Palestinian Women in the West Bank

The Political Marginalization of Palestinian Women in the West Bank

While Palestinian women have always faced political marginalization, developments since the Oslo Accords have caused them to endure perhaps even more formidable challenges when it comes to political participation. Al-Shabaka Palestine Policy Fellow 24588 outlines these challenges and recommends ways for Palestinian women and society to disrupt this process and revitalize the Palestinian liberation struggle through feminism. 

Gaza: Stuck in the Status Quo

Article - Gaza: Stuck in the Status Quo

For years, Palestinians have decried the devastating conditions in Gaza, only to see those conditions continue to worsen. What’s prevented real change from happening on the ground, and what ramifications has this had on Palestinians in Gaza and the broader struggle for Palestinian liberation? In this policy lab, analysts Tareq Baconi and Yasmeen El-Khoudaryjoin host Nur Arafeh  to weigh in on these questions and more.